
Steering Committee

  • Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Ph.D. (Chairperson of IAEI / Minister of Finance RI)
  • Dr. Rahmatina Awaliah Kasri (Chairperson of IAEI Jakarta Distric)
  • Dr. Lucky Nugroho, S.E., M.M., M.Ak., M.Sc. (Chairperson of IAEI Comisariat)
  • Yananto Mihadi Putra, S.E., M.Si., CMA., CAP., CAPF., CIBA. (Head of IAEI Publishing and Publications Department)
  • Prof. Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, S.E., MCOM (ACCY)., MCOM-HONS., CSRS., CSRA., Ph.D. (Accounting and Sustainability Experts)
  • Prof. Dr. Drs. Veithzal Rivai Zainal, B.Sc., MM., MBA., CRGP., CRMP. (Islamic Economics Experts)
  • Prof. Dr. Wiwik Utami, Ak., CMA., CA., CSRS. (Accounting and Business Continuity Experts)